Librerias Yardin

Mi Carrito


  • Editorial:
  • 208 paginas, Peso: 100 gramos
  • Edición: 1
  • ISBN 9780571215515


In Ignorance, set in contemporary Prague, one of the most distinguished writers of our time takes up the complex and emotionally charged theme of exile and creates from it a literary masterpiece. A man and a woman meet by chance while returning to their homeland, which they had abandoned twenty years earlier when they chose to become exiles. Will they manage to pick up the thread of their strange love story, interrupted almost as soon as it began and then lost in the tides of history? The truth is that after such a long absence \047their memories no longer match.\047 We always believe that our memories coincide with those of the person we loved, that we experienced the same thing. But this is just an illusion as the memory records only \047an insignificant, minuscule particle\047 of the past, \047and no one knows why it\047s this bit and not any other bit.\047 We live our lives sunk in a vast forgetting, and we refuse to see it. Only those who return after twenty years, like Ulysses returning to his native Ithaca, can be dazzled and astounded by observing the goddess of ignorance first-hand.

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