Librerias Yardin

Mi Carrito


  • Editorial:
  • 385 paginas, Peso: 265 gramos
  • Edición: 1
  • ISBN 9781444731729

The Wind Through The Keyhole (A Dark Tower Novel)

The Wind through the Keyhole is a perfect bridge between the fourth and fifth novels in Stephen King\047s epic masterpiece. A story within a story which features both the younger and older gunslinger, it is also a wonderful introduction to The Dark Tower series.As Roland Deschain, and his ka-tet leave the Emerald city, a ferocious storm halts their progress along the Path of the Beam. While they shelter from the starkblast, Roland tells a story about his younger days, when he was sent by his father to investigate evidence of a murderous shape-changer. At the scene of the crime he had tried to comfort a terrified young boy called Bill Streeter by reciting a story from The Magic Tales of the Eld that his mother used to read to him at bedtime, \047The Wind through the Keyhole\047. \047A person\047s never too old for stories,\047 he said to Bill. \047Man and boy, girl and woman, we live for them.\047 And stories like these, they live for us.

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The Wind Through The Keyhole (A Dark Tower Novel)

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