Librerias Yardin

Mi Carrito


  • Editorial:
  • 482 paginas, Peso: 482 gramos
  • Edición: 1
  • ISBN 9780385347426

Becoming Steve Jobs

Now in paperback, the #1 New York Times bestselling biography of how Steve Jobs became the most visionary CEO in history. With a new foreword by Marc Andreessen and new afterword by the authors, Becoming Steve Jobs is a narrative on Jobs\047 evolution as a manager and leader, as an astute CEO, as a father, and as a visionary with an unparalled sense of what consumers wanted before they knew what they wanted themselves. But he didn\047t start out with those skills. When he first left Apple in 1985 and struck out to form his own company, NeXT, he knew little about running a company, holding to a budget, or developing successful products. It was during his years in the wilderness, unsuccessfully launching NeXT and helping to revitalize Pixar, that he learned the skills that would make him so successful upon his return to Apple in 1996.

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Becoming Steve Jobs

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